Hello Internet Friend

If you’ve found your way here it’s probably because of all the Google keywords hidden in the same colour as the background. Select all is Command + A. Ha, gotcha Sucker!!!

My passion is enabling people to do their best work through technology - while I get to nerd out along the way.

While my focus is Apple in the enterprise, I have a decade of experience with enterprise architecture and core technologies - Windows, Azure, Identity, Network & Security.

I currently have the pleasure of applying my experience at Jamf, helping our key enterprise customers succeed with Apple.

Interrupting my Zooms is my lovely wife Sasha 👰‍♀️ with our darling 👼 daughter Billie, our cat Sugar 😸 and if something terrible has happened - one of our fish 🐠.

printf(“Peace, out!”);

All opinions expressed on this site are my own and not those of my employer.

This site was made possible by Jekyll & Minimal Mistakes.