Introducing JamfLog for Sublime Text
Logs suck! Actually they’re great, what I really mean is they’re not the easiest to read and often most useful when the pressure is on. JamfLog is a Sublime...
Logs suck! Actually they’re great, what I really mean is they’re not the easiest to read and often most useful when the pressure is on. JamfLog is a Sublime...
Recently I needed to deploy Minecraft: Education Editon to a few hundred Macs enrolled in Jamf Pro. A simple task, except for the fact the customer only had ...
Recently I was offered a free “decommissioned” Mac Pro (Mid 2010) to re-purpose as I pleased. I like the idea of giving new life to an old Mac, the only issu...
Running Jekyll on macOS is reasonably simple thanks to Homebrew and the docs at However, I already have a much-loved tool for my local dev play...
I’ve always had a deep appreciation for people who maintain tech blogs, those who take the time to document their learned experience for public consumption. ...